7 Ways to Grow Your Email List FAST!

If you are a new blogger or you might be blogging for a while, and you don’t have an email list yet… …well, you are missing out on a LOT! One of the MOST IMPORTANT things you MUST do when you have a blog is to build an email list! Why? Because with an email list, you can build a…

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How NOT to Fail With Your Blog

this post may contain affiliate links. for more info please read my disclosure page When you started your blog, you were all excited and full of passion for making your blog succeed! RIGHT? You told yourself that you will create killer content that people will love, your goal was to create a blog where the readers will get valuable information…

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The Reality of a Full Time Mom & Also a “Mom Blogger”

Are you a mom and do you have a blog? Are you wondering “how the heck are you supposed to do it all?!?!” From raising your kids, laundry, cooking, hubby time, creating content for your blog, promote your posts on all the social media platforms, send emails to your subscribers, create an ebook, create a course… I know! This is…

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How to Install “Rich Pins” on your Blog

Boy! This one was so HARD to find out how, in the name of god….to add “Rich Pins” to my blog?! Every post I read claimed that it’s easy…all you have to do is go to the “Social” in your WordPress admin sidebar panel… But…what?! Where the in the world is that “Social” thing they are talking about?! I don’t…

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Interview with Michelle Featured Image

Interview With Michelle from MakingSenseOfCents.com

As a blogger, I love to read interviews because we can learn new things about the person that we didn’t learn about them in the course they created 🙂 So, After I took the “Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing” course, I just had to contact Michelle and ask her if she doesn’t mind answering some of my questions so I…

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Is There a Right or Wrong Way To Start a Blog?!

If you are wondering what is the BEST way to start your blog… Should you first write 10-20 posts and then publish your blog?! Or Should you just write 1 post and publish your blog and grow as you go?! This question gets asked a LOT! I almost “bump” into it at least once a day, So I decided to…

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What to Do When You Have an Unmotivated Day

We all know that AWESOME excitement and powerful feeling when we decided that we want to create an amazing and successful profitable blog!!! We are all pumped, and so motivated that we are hooked to our computer screen (as much as we can) and we try to do everything we can to make our blog grow, and grow FAST! But what…

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Freebie Creation Steps - FREE Checklist

This is a Step-By-Step checklist that will guide you through creating your freebies! :)

This will help you to remember EVERYTHING you need to do to create your freebie! 

Start creating your freebies with ease! :)

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FREE Checklist – “Freebie Creation Steps”


Hey there,

Before you head out, 
As a thank you, for stopping by to read my blog,
I want to give you my 5 PIN Templates for FREE!

These templates will help you save TIME and a lot of headaches when you create your pins! :)