If you are a new blogger then you should know that there are 3 MOST important things to do to keep your blog alive and continuously grow your page views!
When you are just starting out, one of your goals is to gain high page views. You know that when you have 10,000 page views or 100,000 (which is better), that your blog is taking off! And it’s doing well!
I know how HARD it can be for new bloggers to start to see any page views…. You log into your google analytics and you pray to see 10..20…30… page views per day, but then you see that you only got 1 (which was you checking your blog) page view….How annoying and disappointing that can be?!
You work HARD on creating AWESOME content for your blog, and your blog is still under the radar.
I want to share with you what are the MOST IMPORTANT things you need to do in order to keep your blog alive and growing by the month.
This is from my own experience, and I really hope that this will help you grow and that your blog will become an awesome one in your niche!
3 MUST do’s to keep your blog alive and grow your page views
1. Publish at least 2 new posts per week!
If you can squeeze in more posts, AWESOME! (the more the better) – I highly recommend you to do so 🙂 This will show your readers that your blog is here to stay and that you are serious about it. It’s important that you write great content that will help them and teach them new stuff.
Try to create a schedule that you can follow and let your readers know about it (you can state it in your “about” me page). Tell them when they can expect a new post to be published on your blog.
If you want to create 2 posts per week, choose 2 different days to publish them. For example Monday and Thursday.
You MUST be consistent creating new content in order to see your blog grow. In the future, when your blog gets awesome traffic, you can then change your publishing schedule.
But for now, as a beginner, try your best to stick to a schedule.
I highly recommend you to brainstorm a list of blog post ideas for 3 full months ahead. So if you decided on publishing 2 posts per week you will need to brainstorm a list of 12 weeks X 2 post = 24 posts ideas!
If you are like “24 posts?! Dam! I barely come up with 1!!!” hahaha… I know how that feels but don’t get scared by the number when you take your time to brainstorm a list, you will see how easily you will come up with new ideas. Just make sure you have an hour or two to create your list (It usually takes me around 30-45 minutes top)
The great thing about brainstorming a list for 3 months ahead of time, is that you won’t need to come up with a new idea each time you sit down and try to create your post…and then you sit in front of your screen for about 15-30 minutes just trying to figure out what to write about…
…and if you are a busy mama like me, time is precious!
So take your time to brainstorm ideas!
2. Pinterest – Pin your new posts
After you created and published your blog post, you will want to pin it to a board on your Pinterest account.
I would recommend you to pin your post to a group board you are allowed to pin on.
Before you pin something on a group board make sure that it’s o.k. to pin your posts on it. The last thing you want is to be kicked out of the group – trust me, it takes almost FOREVER to get accepted into a group board! 🙂
REMEMBER – You will want to create an awesome image that will attract readers from Pinterest to your post. Don’t just create a simple and boring image.
Take your time to create the image! In the long run, it’s worth it!
If you have the time I would create 2-3 images for posts that are doing great (get a lot of comments, get shared, get pinned…)!
For me personally, it takes around 20-30 minutes to create an image…. because I want it to be perfect 🙂 You can do just fine with 10-15 minutes.
3. Facebook – Share your new post onto Facebook groups!
For me personally, this is one of the ways that I gain most of my traffic from!
You should create a list of the facebook groups you are in, and write down what are the days that you can promote your new posts.
*** I already did the hard work for you…get my list here ***
Usually, each group has their own special promo day so find out which day/s are they.
Same as in the Pinterest groups – you don’t want to be kicked out of a group just because you didn’t follow their rules! Check the rules and follow them!
REMEMBER – you can gain a HUGE amount of page views through Facebook groups! Try to join as many Facebook groups you can! And share…share….share!!!!
You will also want to check out what other bloggers share on the promo days and comment on their blogs, share, pin etc… show the other bloggers you care too! This way you will get noticed and you will also make new friends in your niche.
They are just like YOU, working their butt’s off to make a successful blog.
I usually try to read 2-3 posts that were promoted on facebook. I also will share them and pin them on my social media accounts.
AWESOME! If you follow these 3 IMPORTANT steps, you will continually gain traffic and grow your page views on your blog.
Check out my post about creating posts that are SEO friendly and that google LOVES!
Please leave a comment bellow if you enjoyed this post and if you have any questions! I ALWAYS love getting comments! 😉
102 thoughts on “3 Most Important Things to Grow your Traffic & Page Views”
These are great tips that actually work! I wish I would have come across this article months ago! Thanks for sharing!
AWWW…Thanks so much for your feedback! 🙂
I love these 3 points you highlighted. It can get very frustrating as a new blogger when you only see a few view trekking in. That is pretty much how this week has been for me. I only post once per week because I work full-time and it is really hard to write content and post twice in the same week. Also I don’t have that many daily readers yet so it works out pretty ok. But I am going to take your suggestion and plan 3 full months of posts. If I can start doing 2 per week so be it. But for now my main focus is quality content and promotion. Thanks for these tips.
Yay! How exciting to hear that this gave you an idea!
I am sure you can make it!!! 🙂 If you want it bad enough….you will make it! 😉 I am a FULL TIME mama of 3 little ones under 3…and I blog at night! hahahaha….Almost NO sleep for me! 🙂 But it’s work it… If I can help others succeed…. I am making my dream come true! 😉
This is encouraging! I have 4 kids and the oldest is 4!
You are a super mama ????
Good list for new bloggers. There are so many posts out there about growing traffic but yours are simple actionable points that will make a difference. Pinning this! 🙂
OOO…Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words! 🙂
That’s my goal!
To teach simple and to the point! No Bluffing!!!
Love ti! You are so right on, Eva!! Every week I don’t share my posts on Facebook group my traffic declines. I need to be more constant in sharing my posts on Facebook groups for sure.
And can I add one more to your list?? Pinterest Tribes on Tailwind!!
I saw a huge growth in my Pinterest followers and engagements since I joined a few tribes and even created one of my own. 🙂
AWWW!!! Thanks my dear!
I didn’t get to the Pinterest tribes! :/
I will figure it out and update the post! 🙂
Thanks for all the tips and advice! I really need to start posting more often on my blog. I feel like after the first year, I’ve had such a struggle to keep up with the blog as I am more active on my instagram and other platforms.
Very inspiring post, thank you for sharing 🙂
~ Nicole
Thanks for your comment! 🙂
Great tips for building your blog. I know I’m getting started but I can see how Facebook groups builds traffic.
Thanks! 🙂
Good Luck with your new blog!
I’m a new blogger and would love to see the 10,000 views! Thanks for this list of ways to gain more traffic!
You’re Welcome! 🙂
Good Luck!
I love that you created a fb group already. Making this mama’s job alil easier! Thank you for the awesome tips Eva!
Glad you liked it! 🙂
Yah, Mommy life = Crazy life!
Just kidding! They are WORTH the world! 🙂
Will definitely be brainstorming – I have ideas written down all over the place, I need to sit down and bring them all together!
Thanks! Really trying to increase traffic and comments on blog. Great tips!
OOOH I love these tips, I really gotta get on pinterest boards so thanks for that suggestion. And a few more facebook groups would be right up my alley too. Great post!
Danielle | FollowMyGut.com <3
AWESOME! Thanks for your feedback! 😉
These are things I definitely need to work on thank you for sharing these tips 🙂 I’m relatively new to Pinterest so that will be one of the things I will work on a lot these couple of months.
Your welcome! 🙂
Good Luck with your blog!
Thank you, soooo much, Eva! This is my favorite post right now. You spoke straight to my heart. Since I barely launched my new blog, this was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. Thanks for the reminder that I need to post consistently -twice a week at least – to show commitment to my readers and provide them quality content they can trust! I am going to start following you, and can’t wait to read more.
I was SO HAPPY to read your comment! I mean really!!! You made my day dear!!!
That’s the goal of this blog, I truly want to help others, because I have been in the “failure” mode for too many years! 🙁
I promise to continue and bring value content to the blog 😉
Please feel FREE to email me and I would love to push you forward with your blog! 🙂
Thanks for sharing these useful tips
Your Welcome! 🙂
Lots of great points!
May I add….?…
::Two posts per week:: Your second post can be a curated or roundup posts. If you do this AND take the time to email the peeps you mentioned, you’d be amazed how often they’ll promote your post since they’re on it. Win, win for both of you!
::Create an awesome pin:: OR two. Or three. Or even more! I create min 2 pins per post, and on my artist tour posts (I sell tickets to country music concerts) I have artists pins, promo pin, quote pins, youtube videos that I pin.. the works. All pointing back to my post (except the YouTube video.)
darlene 🙂
p.s. BTW, I found your blog cuz I’m thinking about buying the Blog by Number course to see if I can recommend to my peeps!
Thanks for the adds 🙂
I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend Suzi’s course! She is the REAL DEAL! 😉
Blog By Number Course – By Suzi
You can read my review here
Thanks Eva! I’ll read tonight 🙂
Great post and thank you for pointing it out to me on Facebook! I will keep my eye on your blog it is great!!
AWWW…Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words!!! 🙂
It means the world to me! I try my best to help as MUCH as I can! 😉
Thanks! These are great ideas!
Great tips. Thanks for sharing
Great info! I am struggling to understand how to go about getting even one page view. I really appreciate the pointers. Will go attempt to implement them now. Thanks
Your welcome ????
Good Luck!
I’m part of so many fb groups and I never thought of utilizing this opportunity that way,I could be face palming right now. Thank you so much!
Awwww….thanks! ???? Yes… it helps a lot to hace the list of promo days.
I am sending you an email. I would love to join more groups and add them to the list ????
Some great tips and advice here, thanks for sharing
Your Welcome! ????
Awesome post thank you, I seriously need to learn how to use pintrest everyone tells me about it 🙂
Thank YOU so much! ????
Really helpful tips. Facebook is the best way to grow your page view. I use it all the time. I really need to spend more time on my pinterest account though!
Thanks! Yes, Facebook is AMAZING for getting traffic to your blog 🙂
These are great tips Eva. But as for publishing twice a week, I doubt that it can drive added traffic especially when you’re a beginner. What you can do is to Guest Post a lot to big blogs so that you will have more new visitors which you can serve with your evergreen posts.
All the Best,
Jan Limark | Brotherly Creative
All great tips! Looking forward to consistent growth now that I’m doing all of these things. We are actually in a Facebook group together – excited to read more of your content!
AWWWW…thank you so much! 😉
Good Luck!
Thank you for the tips. I really like the tip about posting twice a week, I have read some posts that tell us to write less to get more readers. Im glad that Im not the only one who thinks posting more is better.
I think that in the beginning, it’s great to have a regular routine with your blog… 🙂
But…I don’t think that if you post 7 posts per week you will get better results…you will eventually burn out! So I guess the best is to post at least 2 post per week 😉
Thank you for the Facebook promo list. It’s really helpful.
Awww..Your welcome! 😉
Scheduling post ideas is really important for a blogger who also has a full time job. My work life is insane August-December, and every fall my blog suffers because of it. This spring/summer I plan to write an extra post every week so I have those saved up for when I don’t have time to write.
Great tips for sure. I’m working on them again, as I slacked off during the months of Jan and Feb! Thanks!
Your Welcome! 🙂
Super informative post. Thank you. I absolutely love Pinterest on a personal level but do NOT understand at all how to use it on a marketing level, and only have 95 followers… What do you use to create your thumbnail for Pinterest?
Also, with Facebook groups, that is where most of my traffic has come from but I have to be careful not to get banned from groups where they do not allow self promotion. I’ve also heard people say comment for comment groups are a waste of time. How do you feel about that?
OOOO…I don’t do comments for comments…I don’t like those type of thing….I like natural engagement, you know what I mean?
I join groups and read their rules before I start promoting my posts…I know that some groups only allow to promote on certain days and only on a specific thread.
Which thumbnail are you talking about? The covers for my boards?
These are all great tips! I need to get better about planning my posts and sticking to the schedule but with a full time job that’s tough. I’m still struggling to stick to my one post per week quota.
Do you brainstorm once a week? I mean do you know exactly what you are going to create your post about?
That helps me save a TON of time…. 🙂
Perfect List for newbies
I remember how lost I used to feel when I began 🙂
Thanks 🙂
This is very helpful for me. I’ve been blogging for six months now and I only do it as a hobby. Now that I want it to the next level, I’ve been researching what to do to help me promote my blog. It’s really a hard work. So thank you for these great tips!
Your Welcome! Good Luck with taking your blog to the next level! 🙂
These are great tips! I don’t have the time to post 2 times per week, but I’ve noticed a huge difference when I actually schedule my posts out and keep them coming out consistently. It’s frustrating when you’re new and it seems like no one is reading but so exciting when those views, comments, and followers start coming in!
Yep! it’s very frustrating when you are a newbie! But, Consistency and commitment will take you to success! 😉
Awesome.. just what I was looking for .. thanks a ton..
Great! Your welcome! 😉
Thank you! I’m new at blogging and your tips were very helpful. Creating eye catching Pinterest pins has been a challenge for me, so
I was glad to see it takes you a bit of time as well. Thanks for being encouraging!
Your welcome! Thanks for your comment!
These tips are awesome, and very helpful indeed! Thank you for sharing ???? I’d be following your tips.
Your welcome! ????
This was excellent. Thank you for the great tips!
Your welcome ????
Love these tips! I am definitely working on getting my blogging schedule mapped out so I have content ready to go in advance. I currently get a lot of my traffic from Facebook groups but am hoping to transition that to Pinterest since I just invested in Tailwind and posting in Facebook groups takes up so much time!
True! Facebook can take a LOT of time!
Hey you shared this on Facebook for me to check out! It really helped! Quick question with Pinterest, how do you join groups?
This is very informative! Great post!
Good tips for a new blogger. Thanks!
Perfect blog post for me. I have to learn to be consistent in blogging. Please visit my site too and share your feedback on what needs to change in order to increase views. It would be very helpful
Some great tips here – the majority of my traffic comes from facebook so I’m working on finding groups with an interest in what I write about. I have several wedding related posts so sharing them wedding groups has really helped.
These are good tips since I have been following these and getting results. Will help newbies good time 🙂
I just started posting to Facebook groups and having a constant two day posting schedule and my views shot through the roof. I am now working with brands and getting over 1000 views a month. These are awesome tips!
Awesome! 🙂
Thanks for your comment! 😉
You are awesome! Thank you so much! I subscribe to your fb groups list.
AWWW…Thanks dear! 🙂
These are excellent tips for a new blogger, especially having a good image! So many bloggers don’t get that a good pinterest image is so essential. Especially for those fb groups because we need to get other bloggers to WANT to share our content. Thanks!
You’re welcome 🙂
I really related to your opening paragraphs. Too many times I have looked at Google Analytics only to discover its just me looking at my blog! Promotion on Pinterest and Facebook starts next week. Thanks for the tips. Very helpful
You’re very welcome! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by to read my post! 🙂
Thank you so much! It was helpful.
These are great tips! I’m only about a month into my blog and trying to be sure I do all of these. In Facebook groups, do you add a link to your post in someone’s question thread or do you just post it in the group as a post? I haven’t been using my groups as I should for fear of being kicked out.
Thanks for your comment! 😉
I usually will post my new post in the facebook group where it’s allowed to do so… There are some Facebook groups where they say that you MUST post your new post only in a specific thread!
Make sure you read the group’s rules before you post on it 🙂
Thank you so much for this post! I will be launching my blog on May 1st and im trying to gather as much info as possible and I haven’t even considered using FACEBOOK! I can’t believe I almost missed that! You are a Godsend.
~K. Ontiveros
AWWW…How exciting!
Good Luck with launching your blog! 🙂
One tip….Blogging is a LONG journey…and there is ALWAYS something to learn! So be easy on yourself! 😉
Great tips. Thank you. I left my email address so that I can get your list!
Thanks! 🙂
Eva, these are simple yet effective tips to drive some real traffic and get more page views. As a blogger, one needs to follow consistency in posting content either on social networks or blog. I mean, this is so important to value your readers and give them new content to learn.
Brainstorming new content ideas is an effective art to produce content that readers actually want to read and get impressed.
Thanks, dear! 😉
My blog has only been live for about a week and I’m so glad that I read this now instead of several months from now. Thanks for the tips!
OOO…Thanks! And good luck with your blog! 😉
Thank you so much for the help! I find that these have definitely worked for me!
You’re very welcome, Sara 🙂