How to Create BEAUTIFUL Pinterest Board Covers

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When I had a new Pinterest account I didn’t even know that there was an option to change the board covers. I did notice that some Pinterest accounts had BEAUTIFUL Pinterest board covers. And I wondered how can I create such board covers as well?! so I did my research and….

… I learned how to do it and now I want to share with you how it can be done.

how to create pinterest board covers

>>>Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase through my link I will earn a small commission. This doesn’t change the price. I receive a commission from the regular price.<<<

I just want to let you know what exactly I am talking about so you can see my “before” and “after” board covers:


Pinterest covers mess


Pinterest covers mess 9 

I will teach you exactly how to change your Pinterest board covers so that your Pinterest boards will look more friendly and beautiful.

Part 1

*** If you already have created an image that will be used as your board cover on your Pinterest boards. You may skip this part and go straight ahead to part 2. (Just make sure your pictures are 800 X 800 px so that they will fit perfectly to be your cover. )***

Decide what are going to be your brand colors

As you can see on my blog, I have 3 colors that are my brand. (If you haven’t noticed look at my logo at the top of the page and you will see that the line underneath my blog’s name – has 3 colors and those colors are the colors I choose to be my brand)

If you don’t have colors for your brand then you can check and see here what colors match with each other from this website. (Take your time to paly around 🙂 it’s fun! and at the end you will have beautiful colors that can be the brand of your blog)

Organize your boards

When people look at your Pinterest account – it is known that they look at your first 10 boards. You will want to arrange your boards and place the most interesting ones to be your first 10 boards. Rename them so that they have keywords in the title of the board – that way your boards will show up when people look for new boards they can follow (when they type in the keyword of your board)

Create your branded covers

This part is the most fun part! In my opinion! 🙂 I LOVE to design.

I created my Pinterest board covers with PicMonkey – I find it very easy to design with. There is no need to invest in an expensive software such as Photoshop. (I have an upgraded account with PicMonkey, you get a lot more cool features and beautiful fonts you can play with and design with)

If you would like to create a cover with a picture in the background simply head over to the “collage” option on PicMonkey and choose the image you are interested in to be your background image.  (I used a free stock photo from here. Check it out…they are BEAUTIFUL! ) Delete all of the images that are displayed as default and insert your image.


Now you will want to change the background so that you won’t have a white frame (You do this as shown in the images bellow). The first pictures shows how your picture is now displayed before you do any changes to it.

picMonkey background 2.5

Head over to the “background” menu (as you can see in the image).

picMonkey background

You will want to change the “Spacing” to “0” and tick the box where it says “Transparent background”

picMonkey background 2Change the size to “800 X 800 px” – That’s the size of the Pinterest board covers.

picMonkey background 3



Cool! Now your background picture is ready! You will want to click on the “Export to Editor” tab on the top of the page.

picMonkey background 4

Now click on the green box “Export to Editor”

picMonkey background 5

To make your picture look more professional you will need to add a few features to it.

Go to the butterfly symbol on the left sidebar. “Overlays” => then click on the “Geometric” tab.

picMonkey background 6

And choose the square option.

picMonkey background 7

Choose the color you are interested in making your “square” and then adjast the “Fade” (I usually do 30%)

picMonkey background 8

Now I would recommend you to save this picture so that you can create a different text and design for each Pinterest board cover you are interested in creating.

Now, simply add the title of your boards to the image you created. Save the picture.

Create an image for each board you have.

Cool! Part 1 is over!

Continuing to Part 2…

Part 2

How to create a Pinterest Board Cover

Head over to your Pinterest account and click on your first board. When you are in your board you will need to add the cover image (that you created – 800 X 800 px) to the board. Simply add it as you add new pins to the board.

What I do, is I link the image to my blog.

Pinterest covers mess 3

Click on “Continue” and then choose the board you are interested in pinning it too.

Pinterest covers mess 4

Now click on the “Edit” icon of the board

Pinterest covers mess 5

Click on the “Change” button  where it says “cover”.(You are supposed to see a ractangle of the image you just created and pinned to your board.) and then click “Save Changes” (You will see an option to adjust the image…don’t touch it…just click “Save Changes”)

Pinterest covers mess 7

Bam! You did it! You created a new cover for your board. Congrat’s! 🙂

Now you will need to do this step to each and every one of your Pinterest boards you have. Remember – you want your boards to be named with Keywords…not just something general like “Blog”. Add something to it…for example “Blogging Tips & tricks” – this is much more targetted and people will know that the board only shares tip and tricks.


I really hope that this tutorial helped you to create stunning Pinterest Board Covers and that your boards look much more organized and professional.

If you have any questions or anything that wasn’t clear…please leave a comment bellow and I will get back to you ASAP 🙂








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Hey there,

Before you head out, 
As a thank you, for stopping by to read my blog,
I want to give you my 5 PIN Templates for FREE!

These templates will help you save TIME and a lot of headaches when you create your pins! :)