Are you new to blogging or building your list? Do you have a list of subscribers, but you have never ever created your “welcome” email yet?!
If that’s you, then this post will show you how to write the PERFECT “welcome” email (+ there is a free checklist at the bottom of this post).
For me personally, it was too “HARD” to create this email because I thought that it was too complicated, and I didn’t want to even start doing it…
But, in the end…it was EASY, PEASY!
By the end of this post, you will see that writing this email isn’t hard! And all you have to do is take ACTION to create it! Yep! It’s that simple! 🙂
What is a “Welcome” Email, and why should you create one?!
A “welcome” email is an email you send to your subscribers right after they subscribe to your email list. (If you want to GROW your email list FAST, here is a great post that shows you 7 AWESOME ways to grow your list FAST! 😉 )
The main reason you should have an email list is that you want your subscriber to know who you are and why it’s worth it for them to be on your list! 😉
How to write the perfect “welcome” email?!
It’s not complicated at all! All you will need to do is write the “welcome” email ONCE, and it will then be on autopilot! 🙂 Isn’t that just AWESOME!
You will need an autoresponder service for this to work on autopilot! 🙂 I personally use MailerLite, and I LOVE it! It’s easy to use and very friendly! Plus, their support is awesome! 🙂
Please don’t worry. If you are using a different autoresponder (convertKit, MailChimp….), you will still be able to write the “welcome” email! 🙂
To create the “Welcome” email, you will need to set up an “Automation” campaign in your AutoResponder account.
So, all you have to do is go to the “Automation” option and add your “welcome” campaign!
(Please let me know in the comments below if you would like me to create a step-by-step video on how to create an “Automated” campaign)
Now, to the email!
What SHOULD you write in your “welcome” email?!
Here are 4 things that you SHOULD write about in your welcome email:
Introduction – Who you are and what you do
When people subscribe to your email list, they might have “forgotten” about subscribing to your list because they were working on a couple of other things all at once. ( I admit it! It happens to me all the time! I subscribe to someone’s list, and then I continue with my work and forget all about the “freebie” I signed up for!)
So, when you create your “welcome” email, make sure that you introduce yourself (Don’t write a long paragraph sharing the story of your life! Keep it short and sweet! )
It’s important to tell your subscribers who you are and what you do (what your blog is about…) so that when you will send them emails on a regular basis, they will remember you! If they don’t remember you, most likely, they will “Unsubscribe” from your list.
It’s recommended to write who you are in the opening of your “welcome” email. Because that way, people will remember you and “listen” to what you say! 😉
It’s not a MUST to start your “welcome” email with who you are and what you do. You could add a quick bio section at the bottom of the email if you prefer to write it there.
Let them know what they could expect from being on your list.
This is important because most subscribers want to know what’s in it! They want to know if being on your list will help them with what they need help with or not.
Think about yourself for a moment; when you subscribe to a new blog, you would love to know if the content they will send your way is something that will help you or just waste your time. Right?
So, your subscribers would LOVE to know that, too, when he/she subscribes to your list.
It is BEST to let them know what content you plan to send to them. Will you send them your new blog posts? Freebies? Tips? Etc…
In this section of your “welcome” email, you should also include how often they will hear from you. I know that when I know when someone is sending me an email on a specific day/s, I wait for their email! 🙂
People will most likely stay subscribed to your list when they know more about your intentions.
So, if you plan to email your subscribers once a week or twice a week, let them know! 🙂
Share with them your BEST posts
After you let them know what kind of content they can expect from you, why not show them the great content you already have?!
This is a GREAT way to show them that your content is AWESOME! 🙂
And because your goal is to keep your “Welcome” email short and sweet ( you don’t want to make it too long, 700 words), simply share links to your awesome posts with them!
When you share with your subscriber’s valuable information, they will most likely stay on your list, and they will wait every week for your emails! Yep! That should be your main goal! 😉
Your freebie
If something went wrong with your settings or the internet, you should include a link to the freebie they subscribed for in your “welcome” email. (Yes, it might be that your subscriber got the freebie already because nothing went wrong..but we want to be on the safe side here).
You should add something that will make your subscribers respond back to you.
You can do that by asking them questions or letting them know that you would love to hear back from them.
I love hearing back from my subscribers; that way, I can help them and provide them with valuable content that will help them the most.
That’s it!
You did it! You wrote your first “welcome” email! That is just AWESOME news!
I know that this step (of creating this email) could be very hard and stressful, and you might want to skip it, but trust me….once you do it….that’s it! You are done 🙂 And you will see that it’s not that hard.
Please, don’t be like me and let fear paralyze you! JUST DO IT! 🙂
Here is a FREE checklist you can download to help you create your “welcome” email

Related posts:
7 Ways to GROW your email list FAST
3 Important things to do to GROW your traffic and Page Views on your blog
How NOT to FAIL with your blog – 5 USEFUL tips you should KNOW!
I would LOVE to see your creations! (welcome emails) Please feel free to send them to me! 🙂 [email protected]
Please let me know in the comments below if this post helped you to take action and create your “welcome” email!
39 thoughts on “How To Write The PERFECT “Welcome” Email”
Great tips! I’m in the middle of writing my “welcome” email now. I dont know why, but its harder to write than a blog post! Thank you for sharing your advice!
Don’t be too hard on yourself! 😉 Make it friendly…don’t try to make it formal! You know what I mean? 🙂
Great article. Something we really need to work on so thanks.
You’re very welcome! 😉
Great check list! I’m bookmarking this for when I get my email list all set up and upgraded. Love the idea of saying what they should expect from your emails. So simple but so important!
Thank you! 😉
Great tips! I’ve wondered what a good welcome email should entail. I really like your tip about engagement and getting your subscribers to respond back to you.
Thanks! 😉
Great tips. I just updated my welcome email and I’m reworking my email sequence a bit. It’s always evolving isn’t it? 🙂
Great tips! I haven’t written my first welcome email yet, but it’s at the top of my to-do-list. Thanks!
Excellent tips. The welcome email is so key to the first impression we make on our subscribers. 🙂
These are great tips. Now that MailChimp has automation for free users, I need to do this!
Yay! Good Luck! 😉
Very informative.
I didn’t do a welcome email via auto responder, however, found out I had 5 subscribers (because I totally forgot about it), and sent them all an email at once, saying hi and introducing my latest posts.
I think this is something I definitely need to do now!
Thanks for sharing!
Great! I highly recommend you use an autoresponder 🙂 It will make your life much easier! 😉
Awesome! I’ve just been starting to figure out how to build email lists, this comes at the perfect time! Thanks so much!
Yay! Happy it was perfect timing for you! 🙂
Great tips! My IT guy (aka my husband) has been working on revamping my stuff. I’ll show him this!
Good Luck!
Great post! I’m working on refining my welcome email now so I definitely appreciate the information!
Thanks! 🙂
This is a great list! I need to set up a new welcome email because I’ve updated my site and have new products and tools. Thanks for the reminder!
You’re welcome! 🙂
Thanks for your comment
Great tips here, thanks so much for sharing! I just started blogging (this past week) and have not yet set up an email list but I will definitely be using this info and that from your other post on increasing subscriptions to your email list.
Yay! Glad to see that my posts help you! 🙂
Good Luck with building your list!
GREAT post! I just started blogging three months ago and am still figuring it all out. It’s so much fun yet so much work – I love it!
Thanks for the tips 🙂
Love from Austria,
Theresa |
Yes, blogging is FUN and a TON of HARD work! 🙂
You’re welcome! 😉
Good Luck with your blog!
i’m really glad that i read this post thank you so much it’s so helpfull <3
Thanks! 🙂
Awesome advice, it never even crossed my mind to write a welcome e-mail! Thanks for the heads-up
Thanks! 🙂
Much helpful since I’m struggling with what to put in newsletter! Thanks!
Yay! I am so GLAD it helped you! 🙂
Good Luck!
Great blog! I need to do this.
Thank you SO MUCH, Amber! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed my post! 😉
I completely agree with your post, I’m going to pin it because I know it’s going to be useful for so many people. I actually bought a workbook by Semonna McNeill who covered all of this and as soon as I made the changes she had suggested, my inbox was full of lovely email responses and I was so happy about the level of engagement!
Thanks for your lovely comment! 🙂
You mentioned above that you could make a video of how to make an automated welcome campaign. I would love if you could do that! I use Convertkit and am a little lost.
Thank you so much. How will I know how and where/when to find it, if you are able to make it?
Sorry, I don’t use Converkit…I use MailerLite…Thanks for the comment!