So, after I had such an AWESOME response from Suzi’s interview (from
I received an email from this AMAZING and successful mommy blogger, Elna!!!!
I was so excited when she offered me to interview her as well. My goal is to share with you (other mama’s that want to achieve their success ) only quality and useful content.
I truly believe that these interviews (from other awesome mom’s that already have success with their blogs) can help many other new and not so new bloggers.
Elna is truly amazing!!!! She has twins! And she run’s a successful blog (2 if I have to be exact…) + freelance writer+ a wife!!! Dang! She is a real SUPERWOMAN!!!
Without further a due….here is the interview! Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy! 😉
1. What is Your Blog – Where can we read your unique voice?
I blog over at Twins Mommy. I help moms become successful mompreneurs by helping them grow their traffic, list and income. I also share productivity hacks and a bit about being a mom to twins.
I also blog over at Elna Cain where I help aspiring freelance writers learn how to land their first client and make a living from writing.
2. So you are a mom of twins! Can you share with us all – How did you manage to create a successful blog while raising twin babies?! 😉 You truly are an inspiration!
Thank you so much! The biggest help was having a lot of help actually! My husband works from home also – we often work together – and I have extended family that watches my twins during the week so I can get chores done.
I used to work on my blog and client work when my twins were napping and when they went to bed, but recently they stopped napping. This cut my time in half and since I have a hard time waking up before my early risers, I usually do my work at night.
I also take 20 minute chunks three times a day to check my email, my Facebook group and social profiles, work on outlining blog posts or newsletters, and invest in blogger outreach and blog commenting.
3. What is your #1 tip or advice for a new mama blogger?
My #1 tips for a new mama blogger is to start an email list. I know. This is something that you don’t even want to think about, but, if you want to earn money from your blog, you’re going to need a loyal audience. An email list is a tribe of followers that read your posts, follows you on social media and eventually buy from you. Most successful bloggers have an established email list.
If you have an email list and have no idea what to send to your subscribers, check out my post on 8 Emails You Can Send That Aren’t About Your Latest Blog Post.
4. What was the hardest thing you had to deal with when you created your blog? ( lack of knowledge, fear of failing, the technical part of it. etc…)
For me, the hardest part is being consistent. Since I have two personal blogs and two blogs I manage, as well as client work, I don’t have a lot of time to focus on one project.
With this realization however, I’m going to have to hire a VA to help me out and I’m going to have to figure out how much I want to focus on my service based business or my product based business for this year.
5. If you had to start all over again, what would you do differently?
I started Twins Mommy as a passion project. I was able to blog about my journey and find my target audience. I didn’t mind taking my time to figure out my target audience, my brand or my lead magnet – the main incentive I’m offering to my readers. I enjoy this journey as a mom blogger. But, something I would do differently, is not jump into affiliate marketing without a solid plan.
When I felt I had enough traffic on my blog, I started placing affiliate links in my popular blog posts. I should have developed guides and tutorials for my affiliate products, but I didn’t have a plan and I was too busy with my client work.
6. What did you struggled the most after creating your blog? (Page views, subscribers, followers etc…)
When I started Twins Mommy, I actually didn’t have a lot of struggles in growing my blog or email list. But, for the past couple months I’m noticing my pageviews isn’t growing.
I’m sort of staling. This tells me that people are used to me or that I’m promoting my posts to the same people.
That’s why I plan to shake things up and try new things to see if I can continue growing my traffic.
7. What was your main reason you created your blog? (for fun, was in need an extra income, etc…)
I created Twins Mommy as a passion project. I wanted to connect with other work-at-home moms. So, in the beginning, it was for fun and for networking. But, it shortly turned into a blog to help other moms start a profitable online business.
8. How long did it take you to earn enough so that you could quit your day job? Or till you reached the same income you earned from your day job.
Right now Twins Mommy isn’t profiting yet (but I hope to change that soon), but I do have a service-based business over on Elna Cain. I also have a freelance writing course and between those two income streams, I was able to make the same amount of money as my full-time job working only part-time at home within six months.
9. Who is your blogger inspiration? ( your “guru”)
When I first researched about blogging and making an money with your blog, I stumbled upon Mariah Coz of Femtrepreneur. She actually did some freelance writing and reached out to me before she exploded with webinars and products.
From there, I started following Melyssa Griffin, Allison from Wonderlass and Caitlin Bacher.
10. Please share with us any other useful information that will help other mama bloggers reach their success too! 😉
One thing I did early on with Twins Mommy was to do roundup posts. I’d roundup the best blogs to help you succeed as a work-at-home mom or ask a bunch of moms how they monetized their blog.
Doing these roundups not only helped me grow my traffic, but it also helped me network with other mom bloggers. Having these connections is a secret to growing your blog. Other mom bloggers in your camp will promote your posts, link to you and recommend you to others.
If you have a new blog, consider doing a roundup of other blogs or bloggers!
Awesome! Thank you so much Elna, for answering my questions for this interview! You truly are an insperation to all of us – mamas out there! 😉