As a blogger, I love to read interviews because we can learn new things about the person that we didn’t learn about them in the course they created 🙂
So, After I took the “Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing” course, I just had to contact Michelle and ask her if she doesn’t mind answering some of my questions so I can create this interview post 🙂
***this post contains affiliate links***
I was so pleased that Michelle responded back to me that she will take my interview 🙂
I was shocked how quickly she got back to me!!! She is AMAZING! 🙂 I hope that one day when I make such an income as she does (I know I will…but don’t know when! 😉 ) I hope that I will be AWESOME and nice like her! 🙂
My Interview with Michelle
Why did you create your blog? (To earn an extra income? Hobby? Etc….)Â How did you come up with your niche?Â
Hey, everyone! My name is Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the owner of the personal finance website Making Sense of Cents. In the summer of 2011, I started my blog with the aim of teaching people how to save money as well as journaling my personal finance journey after reading a magazine that featured a personal finance website in one of their articles. I became extremely interested in that website and my interest in blogging just grew from there. This is all very funny because, before that same August of 2011, I had no idea about what blogs were, that they could make money, and so on.
I did not create Making Sense of Cents with the intention of making money blogging. It was all just a hobby and an outlet I then realized how much I loved blogging and realized that it was for me, so now I am a full-time blogger! I went full-time in October of 2013 and I haven’t looked back once. Blogging has completely changed my life for the better and it’s something that I recommend everyone try if they are interested.
On Making Sense of Cents, I talk a lot about different ways to make extra money, how to save money, achieving your dream life, traveling full-time (me and my husband RV full-time), and more. I love running Making Sense of Cents and I am very happy that this is now my full-time career, my business, and pretty much my life.
From where did you learn to blog?
I learned how to blog through trial and error, learning from my blogging friends, reading articles, and so on. There are great blogging courses that exist, but since I started my blog as a hobby, I wasn’t looking to spend money on learning about blogging in the beginning.
Do you have a VA or do you manage everything yourself?
I have an editor and a person who manages the technical side of my blog.
Do you have a specific plan for your blog? ( post X posts per week, social media scheduling….)
I don’t know if you’d call it a specific plan, but I do have a routine. I have published 2-3 articles a week on my blog and share them on social media, of course.
When did you decide to create a product and why?
I decided to create my Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course because I was constantly asked about affiliate marketing. What seemed normal and easy to me, wasn’t easy for others, so I knew I had to create this course so that I could get my knowledge out. Affiliate marketing is great, and I want others to benefit from it as well!
How long did it take you to create your AWESOME product?
It took me a few months to create Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. It took a long amount of hours and I was very nervous to launch it because it was my very first product that I’ve sold to others. It was all well worth it, though!
Do you have any AWESOME tips for new bloggers?
My best piece of advice for new bloggers is that I recommend networking as much as you can. One big blogging mistake that I’ve noticed many other bloggers make is not making the effort to network. Networking is so important as a blogger. You should see others in the blogging world as your colleagues and friends, not your enemies or competition.
If you had to start your blog all over again, what would you do differently?
The top thing I would do differently is that I would have started trying affiliate marketing earlier! I probably lost so much money by not starting affiliate marketing sooner in my blogging career. I highly recommend that everyone starts ASAP.
Another mistake I made was being on Blogspot. I switched to WordPress about a year after I started blogging and it’s still one of the best blogging decisions that I’ve made.
How many hours do you work on your blog every week?
I have noticed that you travel all the time, so when exactly do you find the time to blog? 🙂
The amount of hours I spend on my blog varies from week to week. I may spend 30 hours on my blog one week and 100 the next. It all depends on what my goals are for that week and what I’m trying to accomplish.
I try to spend the daylight hours going on new adventures and exploring a new place, such as going on a fun hike. I usually work later at night time on my blog 🙂
Thank you SO MUCH to Michelle for taking her time and answer my interview! 🙂
If you enjoyed this interview and you would like me to interview more successful bloggers please let me know in the comments bellow!