I am a FULL-time mom! Of 3 under 3! hYa! It’s crazy as it sounds! 🙂
I know that a lot of you are moms and that you all are trying your best to create a successful blog and generate some income from it too!
I want to share with you, exactly how I manage to be a full-time mom and also find the time to blog.
I will be honest with you, it ain’t easy! But it is definitely WORTH it! 🙂
If you don’t mind, I want to start with a little story about why exactly I decided blogging was for me.
The beginning
Back in May of 2009, my husband and I discovered the potential of creating an income online. We were SO excited and pumped to make it happen! And we decided to invest in a $1K course about Internet marketing.
It covered a lot of methods such as selling on Ebay, creating PPC (Pay Per Click) campaigns, affiliate marketing…and more. We watched a few videos of that course… and we moved on…to another course…and another course…and before we knew it….the time went by…and we didn’t earn a $ from any method we tried! And we tried a LOT!
I got pregnant (with my first child – that is now 2.5 years old) and thought that I MUST find a way to make a living from the internet! It’s PERFECT! To earn an income online…a dream come true so that I can rais my own kids at home.
But again, everything I tried. Failed. o.k….I can’t only blame the courses…. I can mostly blame myself! After spending a LOT of money and my time on internet marketing courses I came to a conclusion that none of them are really for me.
I didn’t like to be a salesperson that you need to be in order to create an income online. I didn’t like the hard work of trying to be an SEO expert and try to rank other websites online. I didn’t like that I had to WORK HARD and not enjoy what I am doing.
The time passed again, and here I was, pregnant again, with twins! Twin girls! I still wanted to create an income online, but I didn’t know how! I didn’t find something I enjoyed doing….and then, it hit me….I wanted to create a blog!
A blog where I don’t have to be someone I am not!
A blog where I can help others!
A blog that will share with my readers how to become a successful mom blogger and actually enjoy your “job”! 🙂
Yah! I very much enjoy doing this “job”!
It’s not easy to find the time to work on the blog. But for me, as a stay at home mom, this is my only outlet. 🙂 I get very excited when I finally have the time and sit down to write a post or just work on the promotion of the blog. I feel like I am a little girl in a candy store or Disney land! 🙂
I found out that one of the most fun parts of being a blogger is that you get to “meet” other AWESOME mom bloggers that are just like you, looking for ways to create a useful blog and also earn an income for it. I mean why not?!
Blogging is a beautiful place to be when you want to create an income online because it’s not a competition.
unlike the Internet Marketing world! Their people don’t expose their niches, they don’t really teach you all the secrets they learned to earn thousands per month. It’s a UGLY place to be in! And frustrating too!
o.k….I think you get my point! hahaha…you are awesome to be here! You are in good hands! 😉
now to the main question:
How do I manage to be a FULL-time mom and also blog?!
It’s not easy! As I said. But it’s FUN and worth it (in the long run)!
If you want to have success with your new blog and you are a full-time mama, you will need to make “Blogging” time in your day!
in order to create that time you will need to:
Give up on some of your sleep time in order to create a successful blog.
Have a babysitter for a few hours a day or week (luckily my husband can be the babysitter and go to his mother so he has some help).
Give up FaceBook, email and tv time.
and your husband will need to understand you are trying to have a successful blog and therefore he will need to give up on his “Special” time with you. (But remember to have some of that time during the week so that eventually you won’t find yourself sleeping outside of the house one day).
I personally aim to work on my blog at least 2 hours a day, if not 3.
If there are some things I can do on my phone and can’t sit on the computer, I will try to do it on my phone. But if not, I will wait till my kids fall asleep (around 12 am – Yah, I have one baby that falls asleep that late!) and then I will work on my blog for an hour or 2.
Usually, I work on my blog till1 am… depends on what I planned for the day.
(I can’t work during the day because my boy doesn’t take naps! Yah! it’s hard! Even when he was just a baby, he barely took any naps!)
I am planning to start and wake up at 5:45 am and work on my blog for two hours in the morning.
I am now in the creation of my 1st eCourse so I am planning to work on my blog 4 hours a day. (2 hours creating the content for my course and 2 hours for maintaining my blog)
It will be hard, but eventually, I am sure it will pay off! 🙂
Let’s not forget, that I LOVE what I am doing here! I love helping others that are struggling! Why?! Because I know! I have been there! With the struggle! And I know it ain’t nice nor fun!
My goal is to help as many mamas out there!
Hopefully, this post will help you get an understanding how you can create a successful blog while being a full-time mama! 🙂
Trust me! If I can do this with 3 little ones, you can do this TOO!!! Step by step, and eventually you will create an AMAZING blog!
If you are a full-time mama, and blog, please leave a comment bellow and share with us how you manage to be a full-time mom and find the time to blog! 🙂
7 thoughts on “How I Manage to be a FULL Time Mom and a blogger”
This post is fantastic! It can be so hard to MAKE time to dedicate yourself to blogging, especially when you’re a mom. I am just getting started and struggling to find that balance. By the time I get home from work, make dinner, and get the baby in bed, all I want to do is watch TV for an hour and go to sleep! Thank you for the tips and the inspiration!
Awesome dear! So glad you liked this post. I truly hope to inspire other mamas out there to make time for their blogs! There are so many bloggers out there that are creating amazing income reports…. I believe that if you create time for blogging, you will have success with it ????
I totally understand you when you say you just want to watch TV. It’s like a break from life ????.
But if you blog about something you are passionate about…. it will be your vreak from life as well ????
Good luck with your blog!
I’m a mom of five, ages 12, 9, 5, 3 and 1. I started my blog in October and like you do most of my work very late at night. I still feel like I need to get a better balance, I’m still doing some social media interaction during the day.
Wow! FIVE kids?!
I know, sometimes the blog can take over!!! hahaha…but in the long run it will be so worth it! 😉
Nice! Yes, it’s all about priorities. Have you ever read any of Laura Vanderkam’s books? She has some great ones geared specifically towards moms and how they can have it all.
Yes, it’s all about prioritizing.
No, I never read any of Laura’s books…will check em out 🙂
Hey this post inspired me a lot.As I am struggling my self to quit my job and dreaming to become a full time blogger with my 2 years old baby boy.I am really impressed by your thoughts and need to know whether it will be able to make an income towards the blog.